You never really know what you got til it’s gone, or until it goes dormant! Either way, that statement is true in regards to so many areas of life--if not all areas of life-- especially talent. And participating in the Middle Township High School Soccer Alumni game this past weekend has me thinking about where I used to be in terms of my past profession. You see, when I was playing pro soccer for those seasons, I never really stopped to appreciate the ability that God had given me to be at that level. Instead of playing to give Him glory, I played to give myself glory. And pride always lifts you up for a fall.Anyway, the last time I played competitive soccer as a pro was on March 1, 2009, in the historical Philadelphia Spectrum, where I tore my ACL and Meniscus. Six days later I was responsible for an at-fault drunk driving fatality. But please allow me to fast-forward almost 6 years of life, from that point until now, with a quote,“Whatever you devalue, you eventually lose.”You see, by devaluing my raw talent and ability to play soccer—which happened by not cherishing the Giver of that gift—I eventually lost the opportunity to honor the Giver with the gift. So this past Alumni game really made me respect and appreciate where God had me in my past. I do not regret the fact that I neglected the platform that pro soccer gave me back in the day, because God never throws anything away from our past ugliness. In truth actually, He recycles all that we have been through for our present and future usefulness.So though I was not able to dominate the field like I did in times past, I realize that my past pro status is the leverage that God has given me for my present platform and influence. The moral of the story is not that I am no longer in soccer-shape like I once knew it. The lesson I realized is that being out of shape for soccer has me recognizing how all that I have been through has shaped me for something so much greater.Ultimately, I had a great time seeing old faces and playing a sport that paved my way into college and beyond. And today, I no longer see my past in terms of former pro or even a former felon. Rather, I aim to be a present influence for God’s glory; an author for 55:11 Publishing, and an Instigator for iCONVICTION. Whether people hate the story or love the story, my God wrote the story for His glory. “And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as ye there were none of them” (Psalm 139:16). Not to mention, it was pretty special to be on the same field with my 2 older brothers. Considering I was in prison about 4 months ago, well, you get the idea!