Palm Sunday! I am humbled to know my role as it pertains to the “Triumphant Entry” of Jesus into Jerusalem. The position that guarantees me His peace that sits upon me and His presence that always has my back!You might think that the best role is as one who holds the palm branch, waving it as a sign of victory. But that can’t be the case, because a week later that same position that yelled “Hosanna”—save now—was yelling “Crucify Him right now!”Or perhaps you may believe my role is like someone who waited in Jerusalem—city of peace—for Jesus to overthrow the Romans and establish His throne. But that can’t be where I desire to be, because Jesus did not enter on a white horse as a conquering king, causing many to lose their hope, which robbed them of their peace. Thus, being in “Jerusalem” can’t be where I would want to be, nor is it a location that can bring one peace.Perhaps I’d best be used as a palm branch symbolizing victory in this story. Yet that can’t be where I”d want to be either because sometimes such waving takes the attention away from Jesus getting all of the glory. And if He is not the center, my life will always be out of balance.So what is my role and what is the goal?I am best used as the donkey! A Christ carrier. One who brings all eyes upon Christ. And when He sits upon you, His peace covers you, for “Jerusalem” will be within you. And when He saddles you, His presence guards you, for His “palms” will be your victory. Being nothing but a donkey secures the “Triumphant Entry” no matter what you’re going through; for when you allow Christ to ride on your back, you can be assured that God the Father will always have your back! That’s what Palm Sunday means to me, for it is a Christ carrier that I desire to be.The donkey without Christ doesn’t have jack, nothing but stubbornness upon one’s back!