August 2, 2022



Well, I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, which is in polar contrast to the recent beautiful weather. I so desire to be in the sun and feel its tanning kiss on my skin. Yet the current “cold” in my system has me avoiding the outside heat. Nonetheless and here is the lesson said best: whether you’re feeling under the weather, whether you’re experiencing good weather, or whether you’re going through rough circumstantial weather—whatever the weather—when you are with Jesus, you can weather any weather.Anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.On another note, I am happy to inform you that our broadcast with Dr. James Dobson is out today and tomorrow. You can find a direct link to this interview by visiting In all actuality, it was because of the Founder of Soldiers For Faith, a godly man named Kelly McAndrew, that Sarah and I were even invited to do this interview with Dr. Dobson. And I am grateful for God’s providence and how He brought Kelly and Lisa McAndrew (and the amazing team of this ministry) into our lives.  We feel as if we have known them forever.  I am always blown away how God brings certain people into your life that become like bridges that willingly take you to a place where you could have never taken yourself. And like a bridge, Kelly McAndrew, has graciously extended himself and his influence to Sarah and I. It was in this newfound relationship with Kelly that led to him asking me to become the President of Soldiers For Faith Ministries, which I humbly accepted.Sarah and I are super excited about this platform and where God is leading all of us. The sky isn’t even the limit with what’s on the horizon because those who reach for Jesus will be backed by heaven’s blueprint and plan. Too lofty of a pursuit, some may think?  But any man or ministry that is not reaching for Jesus in their aim and pointing to Jesus in their fame isn’t really doing anything at all. God created us to glorify Him and whatever we put our hands to do, let it be followed with a heart that shoots for the highest possible glory to God on earth as it is in heaven. Amen!




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