August 2, 2022


I recently taught a sermon in my church called “Unashamed: Broken Before God.”  And before I go any further, I need to pause a moment in awe of the fact that ‘I recently taught a sermon in my church!’ It wasn’t the first time, but I am blown away by Gods grace every time. You see, it is only because of Gods faithfulness to make much of Himself through my brokenness that there is even a platform for me to stand on.  I am unashamed to claim that!There’s an old saying, “A broken vessel is an open vessel.”  I not only know that to be true, but I have lived that truth.  I am broken and better for it. As I have attested many times before, (in fact now in six years worth of writing), it was in the brokenness of my own doing that became the impetus for me to see God so vividly and to hear Him so personally.  I remember in prison when people would visit, questions inevitably came up about what I would do in the future.  I’m sure many would think my attitude was somewhat delusional because I would boldly state that God had a specific plan for my life and He would bring it to pass in His way and His timing.  And if it were my close family, I would be even more explicit and share an actual vision of what God placed in my heart about my future.I would tell family and friends that I saw myself speaking on multiple platforms-- pouring out onto others what God had so faithfully poured into me.  And I realize now more than ever that the pathway to blessedness must pass through brokenness. The world may throw away what’s broken, but God looks to pour into such vessels because they are finally open. It is true that trials, difficulties, and specifically brokenness are a means by which faith is exercised and increased.  Such adversity is a way to know God more deeply. So when trials come and our innermost soul is tested, we shall say:“I will wait and see what good God will do to me by it, assured He will do it.  Thus, we shall bear an honorable testimony before the world, and thus we shall strengthen the hands of others.”  George Mueller




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