Grace In Every Line: Ten Years Of Ministry After Prison

August 20, 2024


Grace In Every Line: Ten Years Of Ministry After Prison

As of August 3rd, I have been out of prison for 10 years. I have rarely ever posted about any books that I have authored. I never wanted to make it sound like I was promoting myself because there are plenty of critics out there, who think my platform is either self-serving or that I should not have a voice because of what I did. (You'll see them pop in on my comments from time to time, hi!). I disagree with the former and agree with the latter. I did not ask for a voice nor do I think I have a voice. But due to God’s amazing grace and firm grip on my life, the voice has me. And as I have said before, you cannot silence a voice sent back from the grave of failure to speak life.

To that end, prison was my form of seminary—what I sometimes refer to as a cemetery—where the Lord impressed upon my heart good themes and made my hands a ready writer. Like Psalm 45:1, "My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." So, I wrote relentlessly in prison, eventually completing 14 different manuscripts. All of which were sent home for safe-keeping and transcribed from legal pads and word processor paper to word doc form. Thank you to ALL the people who contributed to that effort.

When I was released on August 3rd, 2014, I set out immediately to follow the Lord's lead. I turned down employment opportunities from family and friends, not because I didn't know what I wanted to do, but solely because I knew exactly what the Lord had called me to do.

This was a terrifying time for me and Sarah (my finance at the time). She was marrying a man who had no career, no money in the bank, and a criminal record. Yet she loved me where I was, for who I was, ultimately trusting in the work of the Lord in my life. I think about Sarah Maher now and how blessed I am to have her in my life as my wife and the mother of my 2 precious children. Sarah has taken a lot of abuse through the years from so many types of people. Some, in the form of sincere concern, for her marrying a convicted felon. Others envious of her beauty and confidence, ultimately exposing their own insecurities. And still others wanting more to tear us both down simply because we were following the Lord’s will for our lives (even when we had no clue where He was leading us).

Sarah never failed to defend me (love never fails) and more than that, she never faltered in her faith even when the plan was foggy. She trusted my calling; and my calling needed her trust.

Now back to the books.

The first book I published was actually the 8th manuscript I completed from prison. It was chosen because of the content and quite frankly because of the theme. You may or may not know this, but that book is entitled U MAY B THE ONLY BIBLE SOMEBODY READS: R U LEGIBLE? The entire book (66 unique chapters) is designed to challenge and charge the believer to consider their own example (their conduct, character, and conversation) and close the gap between being an illegible presentation of Christ to being a legible representation of Christ.

The second book I published was one of the 1st manuscripts written. It was the easiest one to write (for me), though it was the hardest one to convince others about the theme. It is entitled “Imprisoned By Peace: A View Apart.” You see, as I was in a physical prison, I found myself imprisoned by something greater than my circumstances and the chaos around me. And that was the peace of God that guarded me (Philippians 4:7-8). True story. This became book #1 of the Core Conviction Series and set the stage for other books to follow. And that they did. Book #2 was entitled “Unchained: A Voice Apart,” and was basically many of the publications I had authored for the Cape May County Herald while in prison, proving that it is possible to be “in chains,” but the Word of God is unchained (2 Timothy 2:9).

I had 3 books out within the first 4 years of being out of prison. And again, I rarely (very rarely) posted about them or even highlighted them. Most people at my church to this day still have no clue I have written any books.

I hate to admit this, but I did not revisit writing or editing any of my “prison manuscripts” for the next 4 years. Life and ministry dominated my time. But as of last year, I felt compelled again to find the margin to write. And by God’s grace alone, I was able to complete book #3 of the Core Conviction Series this past March. That book is entitled, “Let Us Pray”: A Plea Apart,” and is basically a prayer book, taking “the Lord’s prayer” (as it is widely known) and rightly applying it as “our prayer” (as the Lord intended it to be).

Now why am I writing this at length. Well, because as of late, I have been posting about my newest booklet, “Discerning The Devil’s Playbook.” And 2 things happened simultaneously. One, I realized the power of the written word and the gift of conveying thoughts to help others in their faith journey. In the case of the booklet, helping believers see the unseen and equipping them to know the truth in a world littered with lies. So, I wanted to get it out there to as many people as possible, which is the opposite of what I have done with the previous 4 books. Which leads me to number two. So many of you have either asked about those other books or were pleasantly surprised to know I had other books.

So, with those inquiries and with where the Lord currently has me, I am no longer going to keep these books and themes to myself. Thank you to those who want to support my ministry in purchasing the books, which allows for more books to be produced and disseminated at no cost. This includes the Be Still Foundation, a non-profit organization, that ministers to inmates and their families across the nation by providing hope-filled Christian materials, along with these books.  

I am forever grateful to all of you who have and will continue to take part of this journey with me. So since we’re not dead, we’re not done. Most of you know the rest of that line….

By God’s grace alone.




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