Jesus used the phrase, “born again”, in reference to the spiritual birth of the believer. What did He mean by this? Well, just as we were born once from a mother naturally, the only way to see the kingdom of God is for us to be born again spiritually (John 3:3). Thus, if you are a professed believer, is there evidence that you are born again? And I am not talking about church attendance or even a record of your tithes and religious compliance. I am talking about your life’s obedience. You see, there is no such thing as saving faith apart from obedient faith. And with obedience to the Word comes a laying aside of the filth of the world. Again, when we receive new life in Christ and the Holy Spirit enters our life, there is an immediate and obvious transformation—like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The butterfly no longer looks like the crawling caterpillar. In fact, nothing about the new buttefly resembles the old caterpillar. Likewise, the believer should no longer look like a depraved sinner. And friend, this doesn’t happen overnight, but it does show itself out in your attitude to overcome. Because when the Holy Spirit empowers us, our sin no longer enslaves us and we no longer allow the world to feed us. You see, when we are truly born again, we begin to crave the pure milk of the Word, just as a newborn desires the pure milk of a mom. Let me say it like this: To be born again is not only about having new life, but it is also about having a new appetite. So if the appetite of a newborn is obvious and necessary, then shouldn’t a hunger and thirst for the Lord be the born again believers utmost priority? Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow…(I Peter 2:1-2)The answer to the above question--YES, it should, emphatically.