--journal, March 2010, from prison--How can we ever possibly think this life is hard compared to what Jesus went through? Fully God and fully human. He felt everything we feel, yet lived without sin. Jesus left his home in heaven to live on earth. He experienced the eternal pleasures of His kingdom, yet he decided to take on the discomfort of our slums, for what? For God so loved the world (John 3:16). And all we have to do is believe in Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. He already did the hard stuff. Born human, but all God. Sinless, but among sinners; deserving of constant praise and adoration, but received insults and blaspheming tongues; could have ascended to heaven at will, instead volunteered for the cross. And we constantly bicker and complain about life's hardships?Many would say prison is a hardship. Many would say that prison would be the lowest point of their life. I beg to differ because if this is the lowest part of my life, I can't imagine the high. I feel as if I'm on higher ground here. How can I go higher? Many might look at the date and count me out and say, "He has only been there 3 months, see if he's saying the same thing in a year or two. He still has a long way too go." I really don't care what people think. If I'm where I'm at today, I believe the Lord can take me to even higher ground as time goes on. I can't praise Him enough.--journal, July 2015, from home--Wow! But by the grace of God I am what I am. And His grace toward me was not in vain......5+ years later, and the Lord has taken me higher still. Stay encouraged my friends!