The human body is a resilient instrument and can sustain a substantial amount of trauma. But, one of the most vulnerable organs is the heart--if it takes an intense hit-- the likelihood that the body will shut down is imminent. And that is what is known as a heart attack, where an inadequate supply of oxygen causes an area of the heart muscle to die, radiating and destroying other parts of the body. And while a physical heart attack can be fatal, quite the opposite occurs when the heart of God (His people) are attacked--it then proves to be resilient and full of mercy.God’s blood drips forgiveness as exhibited by the victims of those connected to the recent cold blood murders in Charleston, South Carolina. And many are completely amazed at the grace that has painfully flowed from their hearts. America is a witness to the overwhelming result of what happens when cold blood and warm blood collide. Those in other countries, who have this type of tragedy occur on a daily basis, get to see the blood of Christ completely “counter attack” those who, with cold blood, viciously attack the followers of Jesus.Out of all the places for Dylann Roof to attempt to make a statement, the prince of darkness (Satan) chose a “historical black church.” I use that term as the media has used it, but I would like to kindly redirect it. In this case, a church shouldn’t be classified as “historical” or “black.” I would say the prince of darkness foolishly chose a Bible-laden church; one with a biblical visage backed by Gods image.It astonishes me that no matter how many times the devil attempts to cause a heart attack, the Lord allows such an attack to bleed mercy and forgiveness. Never to downplay pain, for everyone connected to these senseless killings will feel the grief of loss and the shock of sudden death, but those beautiful souls left to speak out have already showed off what God’s heart is all about.Mercy trumps judgment.The heart of God has truly bled out this past week, and death has once again highlighted life. Into the arms of Jesus those victims went, and now out of the heart of Jesus forgiveness has been lent. There is no other explanation to the responses from the victims and their families except for the truth that when God’s heart is attacked, His children don’t cause more pain in the pain, they show out the name of Jesus through their pain. "I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you," a daughter of Ethel Lance said. "And have mercy on your soul. You hurt me. You hurt a lot of people but God forgives you, and I forgive you."