“Do you not realize that all the events of your life for the past five or ten years were ordered by God for your education? If you murmured and complained, you have grievously failed to recognize His hand. If you thought you were just unfortunate and unlucky, you are ignorant of the Holy Spirit’s discipline. Remember that whatever happens to us is measured by the hand of God for our supreme good. Although we might not choose it, God knows what is best for us. Where would we be today if God had not disciplined us through the ordering of our circumstances? It is this very thing, which keeps us pure and keeps us walking in His pathway. How foolish are those who have murmurings on their tongues and fires of contention and resentment smoldering in their hearts at the very predicaments that the Holy Spirit has measured to them for their good” (The Release Of The Spirit, pg. 67-68, Watchman Nee).For my supreme good. He has allowed it all to touch my life-- for my good and His glory. Nothing has been accidental or coincidental. In fact, everything that has transpired has been providential. Think of it! God has ordered your entire life for your maximum benefit; but will you accept it, which is the first step in seeing it?My life has been calculated by Christ and because of His love for me, it will always equal out perfectly. I accept it. I see it. I'm grateful, I'll be it.