August 2, 2022



For the Christian, it's acceptable to pack up your Christmas decorations and lights, but don't you dare pack up Jesus' influence over your life. You see, if you celebrated His birth yesterday, then let His life be the catalyst of your today. We err greatly when we pack up and put away the “work of God.”Faith isn’t to be a past practice, but a present purpose. And as believers, we are called to blend the birth and death of Jesus into our daily devotion, because therein lies the resurrection.  Jesus didn’t just come to redeem us so we can remember His birth, but more so, He came to redeem us that we may experience His life. Daily. Yes, Christmas affords us the opportunity to tell the Christmas story and open gifts on the 25th, but if we are not encountering Christ with an open heart on the 26th and beyond, then “joy to the world” remains nothing more than just the words to a holiday song.But joy to the world is meant to be joy in our world. Because joy to the world means Jesus came to our world. This He did, not for a one time a year celebration. But this He did for our daily sanctification and transformation.I don’t know about you, but rebirthing Jesus daily in my heart is something that I need to do. You see, I know what it’s like to celebrate Christ one day a year and call myself a Christian. Yet, that type of devotion is actually a type of deception. The Word of God says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).  And sowing and reaping is a present purpose, not just a past practice.  The point being, if we sow for a day, we cannot expect to reap a year of blessings.You see, God sowed a Son so that we may reap eternity on a daily basis. I repeat, this He did not for a one time a year celebration. But this He did so that we may experience daily salvation. So again I say, it's acceptable to pack up your Christmas decorations and lights, but don't you dare pack up Jesus' influence over your life.  




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