"Dear Heavenly Father, so far today I am doing very well. I have not lied or complained. I have not looked down upon my neighbors nor have I gossiped about others. So far, so good Heavenly Father, but I know I am going to need Your utmost help for the rest of my day. I am asking You now for that guidance because I’m gonna have to get out of bed soon. Amen."Isn't that the truth? Without God's strength, we cannot go the length. We have no chance in this world at maintaining "sinlessness" because this world is relentless. In fact, even before we get out of bed in the morning, our mind and thought life can already have us sinning. So what are we to do? Well, like this silly prayer, we must be desperate for God's guidance from the moment we awake. We must ask Him to give us the spirit of obedience, that we would "make our bed" in His righteousness and walk in His godliness. Because the moment we wake up and hit the groud running, we will need the life of Jesus to be our everything: the air we breath, the thoughts we think, and the choices we make.