the DOOR of Q&A

August 2, 2022


the DOOR of Q&A

This week has jump-started a several month speaking tour, again with State Farm’s support, where the first several engagements were up in North Jersey, reaching close to 2,000 students. After each assembly, there is always about 15-20 minutes allotted for a Q&A with the students. The questions that come at me are usually the same, but each and every question still presents me with the opportunity to influence my audience even further. You see, the questions are like doors to their hearts, and when they ask them, it’s as if they are opening up to allow the truth in, regardless if they even know it or not. I take the Q&A time seriously, just as I took my time away seriously. How can I compare the two? Well, just like my peers did when I was in prison, these students are asking questions about life based on the current way I am living. “How are you able to stand up even though your circumstances are telling you to sit down?”You see, the italicized question above may not be asked in that exact form, but most inquiries about tragedy are camouflaged, where the person is essentially saying, ‘how were you able to suffer successfully? I mean, shouldn’t you have been buried by the gravity of your felony?’ Such questions prove the world is always watching and wondering how someone can rebound from tragedy with so much clarity. Thus, it’s in those observations from them that the Christian should be ready to give explanation about Him-->Jesus.But back to my original point about the Q&A. With each question comes an answer. And with each answer comes influence--being able to speak truth with conviction into young lives who are overly exposed to old lies. So instead of misusing influence and answering their questions to sound cute, I’m determined to infuse the students with the godly influence of truth. And not even for my sake, because even though they are hearing my story audibly, they are witnessing Gods glory in spite of me. I only want to live out Daniel 12:3 and impact as many lives as God presents to me.“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).Again, the world may never stop asking--“How are you able to stand up even though your circumstances are telling you to sit down?”--So I will never stop telling, “Well, truth be told, the boy in me has sat down and has allowed the Christ in me to stand up.That's how. And that's who."





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