August 2, 2022



What is prayer? Prayer is allowing your mind to descend into your heart. This means to remove all of your high mind and take on a lowliness of mind that does not rely on your own intellect.“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).After merging the mind with the heart, one must persist in prayer to ascend the heart into the heavens where it belongs. This means to set your “mind” on things above, which is essentially narrowing-in on timelessness and eternity.“In ALL your ways acknowledge Him” (Proverbs 3:6a).When the mind of our heart presents our soul boldly before the throne of grace, there is nothing that our God will not hear when it is by His will that we adhere. This means that we desire heavens perfect plan and precise timing to be poured out through our earthen vessels, that we may exchange our poverty of time for the vast riches of God’s time.“And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:6b).Thus, His watch is what we must learn to read and watch for, because if our head is always in the clouds, we will always miss His clues.  We must go higher!  When we are so focused on the time around our wrist, the petitions of our heart were surely asked amiss.“You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss” (James 4:3).Finally, we pray in Jesus’ name; And this is not a cliché with no meaning, but it’s by this name alone that everything lives and moves, and has its being. His name represents His character, His position, and His authority, and it’s in Jesus’ name alone that gives us our priority. And then we wait and watch, while knowing that delay is not denial; Because though we may not have the same watch as God’s, His always tells the right time.Amen, meaning “so be it".




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