We The People: Choosing Policy Over Personality

September 11, 2024


We The People: Choosing Policy Over Personality

Election season is upon us. So, can I challenge you to imagine a scenario where you had no access to media, no way to hear or see the "noise" from either side?

If the personality of the candidate went unseen or unheard by you—literally—how would you determine the impact each administration’s policies would have on your family? There are many tangible ways to evaluate that: the cost of groceries, gas, and housing; the safety of your neighborhood; the education your children receive; the freedoms you enjoy. This would be a truly objective way to determine the effect of each candidate’s policies.

These data markers are no mystery—they’re measurable and documented. One person was in office from 2016 to 2020, and the other is in office now, from 2021 to 2024. How was your quality of life during those years? If you’re a true fact-checker, you’ll find that economic growth during the earlier period was marked by tax cuts benefiting middle-class families, increased job opportunities, and record-low unemployment rates across various demographics—until COVID, of course. (Many left-leaning reports obscure data from the lock-downs in an attempt to deceive.) There was also a strong emphasis on national security, resulting in reduced illegal border crossings and efforts to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S.

On the other hand, current policies have led to rising inflation, higher gas prices, and increased regulatory burdens on businesses, contributing to economic uncertainty for American households. There’s no disputing the record number of illegal immigrants who have been given the “green light” to bypass the legal process of getting a “green card,” all of which has endangered the welfare of our democracy. These facts are not partisan—they’re felt by every American.

Now for the pivot. As a pastor, may I get biblical? While economic stability is important, deeper moral issues should be the primary concern for God’s people. God established a sacred order in the Garden of Eden, and what God designs, God defines. These foundational pillars draw a clear line between the two parties. The biblical teachings that should shape our views on public policies center on life, gender, sexuality, marriage, and the nuclear family—again, as God has designed and defined them. These principles eventually become policies that either promote human flourishing, or if they are “progressively” redefined, lead to its destruction.

There’s no comparison between the platforms. If you can’t see the importance of prioritizing policy over personality, you’ve fallen victim to propaganda. The media serves as a megaphone for the "prince of the power of the air," amplifying personal attacks and distractions that obscure the true impact of policies. That’s why, if we shut down the noise and focus on the critical issues affecting our families, the results would be astonishing.

That being said, I implore Christians: Turn off your TV, get off social media, and begin praying for the Lord to open eyes, save hearts, and grant us mercy. This battle is not just political—it’s spiritual. We must stay vigilant and discerning about leadership’s impact on our families and nation.

When you strip away the noise and focus on policies aligned with biblical principles, the choice becomes clear. We need leaders whose decisions are rooted in our values, who uphold our freedoms, and secure a future of prosperity and safety for our children.

One final thought: The Democratic Party does not truly care about immigrants or the marginalized. Just look at Democrat-run cities—the poor remain impoverished, and crime remains chronic. Their policies virtue-signal to certain groups, keeping them dependent on government. Tragically, a government handout often serves as moral camouflage for expanding control and maintaining power, rather than addressing the root causes of poverty. This cycle of dependency robs people of dignity and the ability to pursue true, lasting freedom.

With such decisive biblical disparities, you’d be hard pressed to declare yourself a Christian and vote Democrat. But neither does voting Republican mean you're a Christian. Both parties are grossly flawed, which is why elections aren’t popularity contests. It’s a process where we the people choose policy over personality.





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